Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I like Ron Paul, except for his Foreign Policy

 I don't know how many times I've heard that phrase.

Here is my rebuttal:

After 9/11, Ron Paul voted to authorize military force to hunt down bin Laden, and authorized legislation to specifically target terrorist leaders and bring them to justice. 
While Afghanistan and Iraq are turning into monstrous quagmires worse than Vietnam, it is important to note that bin Laden was killed in the manner that Ron Paul had suggested in 2001 and 2007. Instead of trillions of dollars and the tragic loss of over 3000 Americans we could have sent a specialized team to hunt down and kill bin Laden... Eventually, this was the fate of bin Laden, 10 years later with Obama taking credit for the takedown.
Ron Paul suggested bin Laden and his goons specifically targeted in 2001:

Obama has essentially become a dictator and is now judge, jury, and executioner ruling through executive order and backdoor dealings. Ron Paul would never send our troops into battle without a clear mission, a plan of victory, and Congressional approval/funding. 
Without a clear and stated goal and without the support of the Congress, war becomes never ending and gets repackaged as "kinetic action". Vague threats from foreign countries with no nuclear arsenal and no Air Force are no threat to America's Military Might, and Ron Paul would employ the advice of our Founding Fathers before issuing preemptive strikes of aggression, an unprecedented notion in previous American History.

Republican Icon Ronald Reagan had these words to say about Ron Paul:
"Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force Officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country" -Ronald Reagan

Ron Paul will not cut defense spending. This is a common misconception. 
"When asked about my intention to cut the U.S. defense budget, I am always quick to clarify that I want to cut military spending, not defense. I want America to be the most strongly defended nation in the world, but I oppose our current foreign policy that stretches our troops thin across the globe so we can play world policeman. This foolish endeavor costs us dearly in lives, and it has become far too expensive to sustain."

Our Brave Men and Women in the Military Overwhelmingly Support Ron Paul:
Ask yourself why would our Military donate their hard earned money to Ron Paul? If he is indeed so whacky as Sean Hannity and Bill O Reilly would have you believe, why do our Soldiers desire Ron Paul to be the next President of the United States of America? When you begin to ponder Foreign Policy and how effective our wars are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan go ask a Soldier don't rely on a News Personality sitting in a plush air conditioned studio.

"Dr. Paul, an Air Force veteran, raised more than $75,000 from active military in the third quarter.  This comes after Dr. Paul out-raised all GOP candidates – including all GOPers combined, and President Obama singularly – in the second quarter of this year.  Dr. Paul also outraised his GOP competitors in a head-to-head comparison during his 2008 run for the presidency."


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