Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tom Woods Issues Voluntaryist Challenge To Help A Disabled Ron Paul Supporter

Local Tennessee liberty writer, Glenn Horowitz, needs a boost from somewhere besides government...

To learn more about Tom Woods & his Liberty Classroom, please click HERE

1 comment:

  1. I'm blown away by the enthusiastic responses and donations that Dr. Woods' video is eliciting. I've thought all along that the continuing visibility of a YouTube video from a high profile person like him would keep the awareness-raising dynamic, and it's mighty gratifying to see it playing out that way.

    You good folks out there helping me to recover my liberty: THANK YOU!

    You're also helping make a very visible statement affirming what every free market supporter knows, that private voluntary action beats the crap out of any phony government scheme that relies on money taken at gunpoint to operate.

    Well done, let's finish this,retrieve my freedom, and get out there where I can be a more effective liberty activist and journalist! Your thoughtful donations are proof that people are genuinely eager to help when they're made aware of the need...and Tom Woods has done just that!
