Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ron Paul: The Aftermath

I share this information with you all so you can make your own decision about Rand Paul and the Ron Paul campaign. It is not my intention to be divisive. It was always my intention to see Ron Paul elected as President of the United States of America.

Adam Kokesh:

Alex Jones:
this youtube vid is approx. 1 hour and covers the Rand Paul endorsement of Romney and the demise of the Ron Paul Campaign

Lew Rockwell:


  1. This is disturbing, to say the least. I'll be interested in seeing how all this pans out. Will Ron sell out, as Rand has apparently done, or will he say damn the torpedoes, fire his staff, retract his "be nice to Romney" statement, and get on with making this nation free once again?

  2. what happened to going to the convention and trying to win? I have always thought this campaign did some dumb moves. This sure explains it. Penny hit the nail on the head. Local elections are the thing to get involved with.

  3. The videos exceed my Gigs budget, so I haven't watched them. Sorry.

    I'm still in favor of maximizing our charge for liberty at the convention. We should shame the GOP for blocking the Ron Paul supporters from displaying what has been blocked and blacked out. At this point, it appears that is all we have left to get the public to realize how the truth is being distorted.

    Instead of acting like losers, I'd rather draw more attention to the Ron Paul alternatives are like restoring our freedoms and a free market solution to our dire economic circumstances.

    I hope it's not too late to mount an effective, massive campaign to get voters to write in Ron Paul. A huge push is needed right away before the convention to prove we haven't given up.

  4. In November, there will only be one candidate on the ballot who shares the same principles as Ron Paul: Gary Johnson. Please join the Million Vote March.
