Monday, June 11, 2012


WARNING - Politically incorrect & UNCENSORED version:
(The views expressed in this writing are mine alone and should not be construed to reflect anyone else’s views as I can truly only speak for myself anyway)
I’ve never been much of one for endorsing political candidates for office, though I always vote.  I’ve always been thoroughly convinced that it’s more effective in modern American politics to get active with issues one cares about as opposed to putting any real faith in any person seeking office.  For the first and only time in my life, Presidential candidate Ron Paul has been a hopeful exception to that rule for myself.  I was just getting acquainted with the congressman Dr. Paul when I voted for him from Afghanistan via absentee ballot in the 2008 Republican Primary.  I was ecstatic when Ron Paul announced that he would run again in 2012; but between the day Obama was elected until the day of the Paul 2012 campaign announcement, I was searching for other ways to be involved in helping to restore the ideas of individual liberty and Constitutionally limited government in America while being more issue-oriented again.  It was during this time period that Ron Paul’s own son and arguable heir-apparent to be the Ron Paul standard-bearer of the political liberty movement in the future, Dr. Rand Paul ran for U.S. Senate out of Kentucky on the Tea Party wave of 2010.  For me it was highlighted as a rare and welcome ray of hope for our country.  As a former Kentuckian who was born and raised in the Bluegrass state, I was filled with a sense of great pride that it was my old home state in which the next Dr. Paul would stand tall for freedom for what would hopefully be a successful and distinguished career as a liberty-loving Constitutionalist of uncompromising integrity and honorable example of a true statesman like his father before him..........

One of the primary reasons I have personally been so passionate and actively working as a grassroots volunteer for the Ron Paul campaign is because Ron Paul seemed to understand that America does have soldiers dying in the field as we speak, and that it must stop immediately.  There is no compromising the lives of American service-members for unconstitutional and immoral wars instigated by our own federal government and the status quo sell-out of an Obama or Romney.  It is absolutely unacceptable to play politics with the lives of service-members under your command. 

As a combat veteran I say our brothers are already dying for the failed and misguided policies of elected officials who espouse the positions of George W. Bush, Barack Hussein Obama, and Mitt Romney.  For Rand Paul to endorse Mitt Romney is to snub the revolutionary spirit of Liberty such as exhibited by Patrick Henry, and to embrace Benedict Arnold’s compromising cowardice of becoming a traitorous turncoat to the cause of freedom.  I guess Rand has decided much like his hero Benedict Arnold to spit in the face of those dying and rather choose his own personal political expedience, and to show his solidarity with the despotic purveyors of empire over his own people.  Much akin to how old Arnie ultimately chose to be a loyalist to the British empire in spite of the continuous spilling of patriotic American blood that was victim to that very evil empire.  Benedict Arnold became an enemy of the revolution by his own choice, and now so has Rand Paul.........

Champions will fall, and human beings will disappoint us every time.  This should be expected in many ways, regardless of how that makes us feel.  I pray that those of us who see beyond the scope of just one Presidential campaign to the greater Liberty movement, we will not be discouraged or deflated.  I think that is exactly what the opponents of Liberty hope will happen.  We can all go our separate ways in a free society, but we sometimes need to come together to keep it that way.  Rand Paul chooses to support Mitt Romney at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida this August.  I choose to participate in the Veterans for Ron Paul March On The RNC in Tampa this August.  Is it time to take a stand or not?  I guess we must each answer that for ourselves.

click HERE to read full article 

BY:  Adam G. House is a medically retired veteran of the war in Afghanistan, where he served in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in the mountainous tribal Pashtun region of the Konar Province in the Pesche River Valley along the Pakistani border in 2007-08.  He now lives with his medically referred companion dog named “Liberty” in Tennessee.  He is a Staff Writer at Combat Veterans for Ron Paul, Co-Founder of Disabled Veterans for Ron Paul, and host of the “Language of Liberty” show.

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