Friday, June 22, 2012

The Constitution, Veterans, & The Police State

   From Combat Veterans for Ron Paul:

  ...Americans deserve better than our police state is giving us. This is not Iraq. This is not Afghanistan. This is America. We are not in a combat zone, but the growing power of the police is making it increasingly hostile to our basic human freedom. I should not have had to have been the one who had to take on the responsibility of de-escalating the situation in which I found myself with the bad cop earlier this week. As a “Peace Officer,” he should have been the one looking to de-escalate any potential violence. Instead, he came off to this tactically trained and highly experienced combat veteran as someone who was either (1) a green-horn (2) spoiling for a fight, or (3) maybe just having a REALLY bad off day; no matter how you cut it, this pompous, arrogant, unprofessional, unconstitutional, dangerous, incompetent, irresponsible, and un-called for behavior must not be allowed to persist as a danger to public safety. Experienced combat veterans should know better than anyone that we not only shouldn’t tolerate this type of behavior by our public servants, but we should be the first ones to call out this familiar type of police corruption and stand firmly against it.....  Click HERE to read more

BY:  Adam G. House is a medically retired veteran of the war in Afghanistan, where he served in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team in the mountainous tribal Pashtun region of the Konar Province in the Pesche River Valley along the Pakistani border in 2007-08.  He now lives with his medically referred companion dog named “Liberty” in Tennessee.  He is a Staff Writer at Combat Veterans for Ron Paul, Co-Founder of Disabled Veterans for Ron Paul, and host of the “Language of Liberty” show.

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Adam, succinct, accurate narrative that's spot on!
