Monday, January 30, 2012

Ron Paul Victory in Tennessee mentioned on the official Campaign Site

"LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul easily defeated his rivals for the GOP nomination in a straw poll conducted by the Tennessee Republican Assembly.

The Tennessee Republican Assembly presidential straw poll featured in-person voting in Nashville on Saturday, January 30th.

Paul took first place with 63.3 percent of the 316 votes tallied, besting his GOP competitors – including the former House Speaker from Georgia Newt Gingrich, who placed third earning just 12 percent. Rick Santorum with 19.6 percent, Romney with 4.7 percent, and Huntsman with 1 vote, came in second, fourth, and fifth place, respectively.

“This straw poll demonstrates that tea party members and conservatives nationwide are coalescing behind one candidate, Ron Paul, as the sole challenger and conservative alternative to Mitt Romney,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Ron Paul is the one candidate in this race receiving authentic conservative support from Republicans, and he also garners the support of independents and Democrats that is so necessary to defeat Barack Obama.”"

Voting results

Ron Paul 63.3%
Rick Santorum 19.6%
Newt Gingrich 12%
Mitt Romney 4.7%
Jon Huntsman 0.3%

Also mentioned in the Tennessean Newspaper:
"U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas was the overwhelming winner of a presidential straw poll held Saturday by the Tennessee Republican Assembly"

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