Monday, January 30, 2012

Battle of Athens Money Bomb


Recently, Tennessee Ron Paul Supporters experienced first hand the effects of a Ron Paul Media Blackout. Local Corporate Media affiliates incorrectly announced Rick Santorum of the winner of a local straw poll. This created a lot of confusion and frustration among new voters and enthusiastic Ron Paul Supporters.

Instead of dwelling on the issue and pointing fingers, the Grassroots Ron Paul Supporters of Nashville, Tennessee have decided to take direct action.

The Battle of Athens Moneybomb:

Many of you are probably aware of the Battle of Athens, which occurred in McMinn County, TN on August 1st, 1946. The people, many of them WWII veterans, rose up against the corrupt local government that had abused the town for years. A new platform consisting of veterans was formed to challenge the incumbents. In response to this, police from all over the county were sent to Athens to "secure" the voting sites. Police fired the first shots at Tom Gillespie, and elderly black farmer voting for the veteran ticket. After seeing who he was voting for, the police called Tom a racial slur and told him he couldn't vote there. After Tom protested, the police threatened him and shot him in the back as he was fleeing. When the police then removed the ballot boxes from the public’s view, to be counted in secret at the county jail, the citizens decided they had had enough. Left with no other recourse, they raided the local National Guard Armory and laid siege to the county jail with dynamite. After a night of gunfire the police surrendered. Twenty people were injured but none were killed. The corrupt sheriff resigned, and the people’s choice, veteran Henry Knox, was certified as the new sheriff.

What we should take from this story is not that we should resort to violence. Rather, we need to act peacefully NOW before it is too late. We have to expand our message, and increase our numbers.

Please consider donating generously to the Battle of Athens Money Bomb. We are angry right now; let’s channel our rage into positive action. We will show the elites that as they continue to marginalize us, we will continue to grow. As they continue to ignore us, we will continue to gain momentum. We will channel the spirit of Athens, TN. We will accept nothing but victory. We will demand nothing but liberty. We will continue the fight for Ron Paul and his message.

read more about the Battle of Athens:

This is a peaceful effort to use social media, Constitutional Principles, and harness the power of the Information Revolution to share the message of Ron Paul with our fellow Tennesseans. This is not a call to violence or to take up arms.

"No ARMY can stop an IDEA whose time has come" -Victor Hugo

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