Thursday, December 29, 2011

Political Bumperstickers (missed opportunities)

As a Ron Paul Grassroots Supporter I am always brainstorming concerning new ways to spread the message of Ron Paul.

I always advocate door to door campaigning as the most effective form of securing votes for Ron Paul in the Republican Primary, BUT there are small activities you can do while your not knocking on doors.

When in public, wear a Ron Paul button or shirt. These are easy conversation starters. Carry Ron Paul literature in your wallet, purse, or backpack at at all times. I have Ron Paul cards in my wallet, and filled up an old backpack with Ron Paul merch and have it in my vehicle JUST IN CASE.

Next time your walking through a parking lot, pay attention to cars with Obama 2008 or Mccain/Palin bumperstickers. These stickers indicate that the driver of the vehicle is a registered voter. At some point, they thought Obama or Mccain was the solution to America's problem. They were so convinced of this, that they risked devaluing their vehicle by applying a bumpersticker.

That was almost four years ago. A lot of people have changed their minds since then. With the worsening economy, war fatigue, and current array of cookie cutter candidates, a Ron Paul flyer may brighten their day!  That's where you come in. The prepared Ron Paul Grassroots Activist deftly approaches the vehicle and slides a piece of Ron Paul literature underneath the windshield. If you feel comfortable, leave a nice message (have a nice day!) or your name/phone number/email.

Any car with a Christian Bumpersticker gets this one:
or print out this flyer concerning Ron Paul, Christianity, and Israel:

Vehicles with any pro gun stickers:

Automobiles with Pro Life Bumper Stickers:

Cheap Ron Paul Business Cards to keep in your wallet:

Any car with an Obama bumpersticker needs this tucked carefully underneath the windshield wiper:

free Ron Paul flyers (download and print off):

Ron Paul Super Brochure (only seven cents each)

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