Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spare Change for Ron Paul in Nashville

Are you too busy to knock on doors for Ron Paul in Nashville and your community? Maybe your work situation has changed, or family obligations prevent you from assisting in grassroots campaigning?

You can fund a Freedom Fighter in Nashville, TN. For just pennies a day, you can play a pivotal role in spreading the message of Ron Paul to your fellow Tennesseans.

Donate your Spare Change here:

Your voluntary and generous contribution will allow us to purchase

Ron Paul Super Brochure:

Ron Paul Slim Jims:

                                     Ron Paul Cards:

Blank DVD's/sleeves so I can continue to burn the new 30 min Ron Paul 2012 DVD:

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a great service to our community and for the cause of liberty! Thanks, Joey!
