Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Did Jesse Benton Sabotage the Ron Paul 2012 Campaign?

A collection of links and quotes demonstrating how Ron Paul's grandson in law and Campaign Manager may have sabotaged his 2012 Presidential Campaign:

"Ron Paul is not suspending his presidential campaign. That's the message his staff pushed Tuesday following the candidate's declaration that he won't spend any additional funds to campaign in new states.

But campaign manager Jesse Benton clearly stated that the hopes of Paul winning the Republican presidential nomination are officially over.
"We recognize that Gov. [Mitt] Romney has what is very likely to be an insurmountable delegate lead," Benton told reporters on a conference call Tuesday. "And we acknowledge that we're very, very unlikely to be able to block that nomination."

When Michigan Republicans gather for their state convention in Lansing this weekend, there won’t be a concerted effort by the Ron Paul for president campaign to lock down some delegates or influence leadership races.
Jesse Benton, Paul’s campaign spokesman, said the Texas congressman will fore-go Michigan’s state convention this weekend"

Adam Kokesh explains how Jesse Benton approved of the RNC's VIOLATION of Rule 11:

Tom Woods Slams Jesse Benton:

Israel Anderson, founder of ronpaulflix.com, speaks out:

"All you blaming Ron Paul, or thinking he has given up, listen up.

This is Jesse Benton speaking, NOT Ron Paul. Benton is the epitome of the wolf in sheep's clothing. For 5 years I have kept my mouth shut, but no more. Benton has sold us down the river. This is NOT some strategy at play, this is the end, according to Benton. He was in this for one reason - to make a name for himself. That's done and he doesn't give a shit anymore.
My friends, I have been campaigning since May 2007, 5 years, and have never stopped. I run our local Ron Paul meet up in Boulder, CO. I'm not just some guy with a website. I am on the ground. I talk to a lot of people from the top to the bottom. This is a move that we have sadly been expecting, hoping the whole time that we would be wrong. You need to snap out of your hopeful delusion. Benton has sold the movement down the river. It's time to stop avoiding the truth.
It's up to us now, the campaign will not be guiding us to victory. If it is to be, it rests with "WE".
Israel Anderson, Founder - Ron Paul FLIX"

Jesse Benton says that Ron Paul can't win the Convention, also says that Ron Paul won't endorse or assist Gary Johnson, remains coy on if Ron Paul will endorse Romney, and states that Rand Paul will endorse whomever the Republican Nominee is:

Did Ron Paul's team sell out?

"Just when we are starting to win tons and tons of states, Jesse Benton and the campaign send out all these mixed signals. First it was Doug Weads video several nights ago that left me with a sickening feeling in my stomach. Then it was Ron Paul's very reassuring audio statement the next day saying..."

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