Friday, March 2, 2012


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Adam G. House. I am a medically retired disabled combat veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. I served with the 173rd Airborne, 2/503rd Infantry Battalion in the Konar province of Afghanistan, which was covered in the Oscar-nominated documentary, “Restrepo,” by the late Tim Hetherington and others. Upon returning from deployment, I was transitioned into a Wounded Warrior Unit for about a year before the U.S. Army medically retired me for chronic severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have been working diligently on my recovery ever since.

On August 1st of this year, I plan to ride a recumbent bicycle 700 miles in 26 days from my home in Tennessee to Tampa Bay, Florida, to raise awareness of veteran PTSD & suicide. The rate of suicides among active duty and veterans is abnormally high right now, and I refuse to let the legacy of this generation of combat veterans to be that we committed suicide in highly disproportionate numbers. This is an issue which has touched me personally in that one of my closest combat veteran friends recently took his own life. I will also be riding in memorial of him, and pulling a trailer behind me with flags and signs. My goal is to inspire other disabled folks, anybody battling PTSD, and potentially suicidal people to find a new lease on life and dream big dreams again.

Some friends and I are also spearheading an effort to match as many bicycles as people will donate with veterans and the disabled who will commit to riding them at least 100 miles during the month of August to show support in their hometowns all across the United States. We are currently in the planning phases and getting our website updated to support the event. I am the facebook page owner of, “Disabled Veterans for Ron Paul,” & Staff Writer at, “Combat Veterans for Ron Paul.” In support of the Veterans for Ron Paul march on the Republican National Convention, we are announcing this effort as CVRP’s, “Cavalry Ride For The Republic.” We have professional cycling athletes, bike mechanics, various media outlets, private charities, supportive businesses, and grassroots supporters already helping us to plan and organize. Interest and support are growing exponentailly every day. Ideally, we would like for as many people as possible to ride at least the last 100 miles to the RNC. There may even be some motorcyclists wanting to escort our veterans, disabled folks, and supporters on their journeys. We are planning to pass out pocket Constitutions, PTSD awareness, suicide prevention, and other related literature along our routes. We welcome any further feedback, ideas, and/or support anyone may want to offer. Please feel free to contact us on the web at Thank you very sincerely for anything you can do to support this effort, even if it’s just to tell a friend about it.

For Liberty,

Adam G. House (U.S. Army (retired))

Combat Veterans for Ron Paul (

Disabled Veterans for Ron Paul (

“I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.

-Warrior Ethos

“Let it not be said that we did nothing.”

- TX (R) Congressman, Dr. Ron Paul - Future President & Commander-In-Chief of the United States of America & a Doctor who cured my apathy by inspiring me

INSPIRE YOURSELF ;-} & PLEASE share this message with others.....

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