Friday, March 16, 2012

Local News Media Coverage of Ron Paul at the University of Missouri

"Paul told reporters Thursday that sanctions against Iran wouldn't work because they don't hurt the government.
"It hurts the people who are trying to change their government," he said." (quotes and pics credited in link)

"There's generational change going on here, and perhaps as time moves on you'll see a different kind of Republican who's closer to him," he said. "And as you look back, you might say he kind of foreshadowed what happened."
Benton's message to the party, meanwhile, is simple: Adapt or die.
"The party's at a crossroads," he said. "They're either going to start to embrace real limited constitutional government - and I think a lot of people are - or they're really going to struggle nationally."
"If they want to shrink this down into a little teeny tiny minority party," he added. "They can keep catering to the neoconservatives." -Jesse Benton

 credit for pic in link:

credit for these pics:

“I see magnificent things happening,” Paul told a crowd of roughly 1,000 while speaking in the campus quad on Thursday. “I see it on the campuses. And if it’s truly a philosophic revolution, it has to come from the campuses. It has to be the young people, because the young people, when they become middle-aged and older – unless they belong to a remnant that remembers true liberty – they will fall in the trap of becoming part of the status quo. So all great revolutions and change of ideas come from young people.”

 "Ryan Yoakum, 23, said, "I like the fact that he stands for peace, not war. He is constant without changing his stance every other week. He believes in personal liberty.”
 Daniel Hurst, an MU junior, called Paul "a stout American, a true American. He sticks up for what this country was founded on.""

-Ron Paul trying to warn America of the foreboding Economic Storm we face if we don't change our fiscal policy and continue to elect stooges like Rick Santorum and/or Obama

credit for pics:

great article:
"I do not understand why thousands of people keep showing up for the Paul rallies — yet he is not winning the race for the Republican nomination?  Could it be from messy caucuses?  Could it be voter fraud?  Do other candidates get this kind of reception?  Something does not add up here…

Just this past week, Ron Paul won his first caucus in the Virgin Islands, but the mainstream media said Romney won.  In Maine, many votes were turned in, but never counted, or they reported totally different numbers, according to Ben Swann of Cincinnati’s Reality Check [ ]."

my pics and footage:

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