Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ron Paul WINS Tennessee Republican Assembly Straw Poll

 Nashville, TN Hotel Preston 1/28/12

The Results:
Ron Paul 200 votes
Rick Santorum 62 votes
Newt Gingrich 38 votes
Mitt Romney 15 votes
Jon Huntsman 1 vote

Scenes from the TRA Straw Poll:
                                Celebrating at Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Or look at it this way:

    Ron Paul 63.3%

    Rick Santorum 19.6%

    Newt Gingrich 12%

    Mitt Romney 4%

    John Huntsman .

    It was great meeting so many Ron Paul supporters at this straw poll. If they hadn't closed early, we would have seen even bigger margins for Ron Paul! Now, let's deliver the WIN for Ron Paul in the real thing on March 6th across Tennessee!

    1. Good for you from Iowa, Tennessee!
      Next sign up to be delegates and let's get together at the National Convention. See you in August!

  3. Thankfully conservatives are starting to do the homework and look at the voting record and military support for Ron Paul to realize he is really the 'true conservative'

    What an awesome event! After SC and now FL, I'm energized again!

    1. Of course at this very moment we don't know technically what's happening in FL, but since Paul skipped the state, and what I've heard, I'd say it was over before it ever began. However, I think Paul has a good strategy of not wasting his time and money in a winner-takes-all state that is so huge and expensive to campaign.

  4. Good job, Tennessee! Y'all sign up to be delegates. Let's take this country back! A big 'Lov Y'all, from Texas.

    VOTE For RON PAUL 2012

  5. This is just amazing. The whole world want's to see a Ron Paul presidency. I think someone that's earned the disdain of the power players in Washington deserves our admiration and support. It's not easy being the black sheep in a pack of wolves. I'm very pleased that the media does not control the minds of the people and we have thought for ourselves. The clear voice for our country is Ron Paul's. No other candidate has lifted liberty on their shoulders unabashedly.


    Local news stations in Nashville tonight reported that the TRA had their straw poll (with no mention of vote tallies, percentages, or any numbers), and that THE TRA IS ENDORSING RICK SANTORUM. After the landslide victory Tennessee delivered for Ron Paul today, the TRA should refund the voters money and publicly apologize for ignoring the straw poll results and adding insult to injury by trying to use all the Ron Paul voters money to endorse Rick Santorum. The Republican establishment obviously doesn't want to embrace what could be the future of the party. Instead, they insist on pushing us out of the process and/or resorting to currupt tactics to blackout the Ron Paul groundswell. Research this story! The Republican establishment doesn't care what the voters think!

    1. I hope the voters in Florida are mad enough to push back hard. A vote for Ron Paul is the best push back there is.

  7. ron pauls 3 biggest donors
    US Army, US Navy,& US Air force
    Total: $190,230
    Barack obamas 3 bigestt donors
    University of california, Goldman Sachs,& Harvard University
    total: $3,539,940
    Mitt Romney 3 biggest donors
    golman sachs, jp morgan,& morgan stanley
    total: $1,091,680
    both of their top donors are more that ron pauls top 3 combined.

    we must beat them with devotion, not donations.

  8. Something MUST be done about the fraud going on! There is no exception! We MUST unite! Just contribute anything that you can, that's not necessarily just monetary contributions. Stay active, stay positive, and make an attempt to reach out to one or more new people a day. We will succeed.
