Sunday, January 29, 2012

Responses to the TRA Blackout of Ron Paul

Rod Williams of responds to the Tennessee Republican Assembly Blackout of Ron Paul:

"I don't blame the the Ron Paul supporters for being mad. It was duplicitous of  TRA to have a straw poll and then issue an endorsement for a candidate other than the winner of the straw poll. This is highly unusual. I don't know that I have ever seen this done before. Last year when Ron Paul won the CPAC endorsement, we knew Ron Paul may not have not been the favorite of most regular CPAC members, but the Paul supporters organized and went to the convention and paid their fees and won the straw poll. If an organization fears the outcome of a straw poll, don't have it. If you have a straw poll then don't issue an endorsement for a different candidate. Play fair. TRA just used the Paul supports."

"I like that the above writer called TRA "the Republican establishment." To be against "the Republican Establishment" seems to be TRA's only reason to exist. Now, someone considers TRA "the Republican establishment." He should have also called them "RINOs.""

Great article at the EXAMINER:
"One thing that has become crystal clear by now is that Ron Paul has the support and organization throughout our country that is second to none.  The only thing left to be seen is how far will the Republican establishment go in trying to defeat this man that has obviously sparked a tremendous amount of excitement across this country?  You would think they would be praising him for finally creating some excitement in the party.  Apparently, they don't care about the party afterall since its course does not seem to fit into the leadership's overall agenda."

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