Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to Make your Ron Paul Sign Wave Memorable

pics from a Memphis TN Ron Paul Sign Wave in October 2011
  • Choose a high traffic area
  • When choosing your area, try to place yourself in an area that has a large parking lot that ongoing traffic can pull into in case they want more information/Ron Paul Literature (maybe have a sign that says "TURN HERE for FREE Ron Paul Swag"
  • Also consider an area near a redlight.. that way people have nothing to do but read your signs and you can hand RP literature to those interested.
  • Gather the largest group possible.. Kids, Grandmas, College Students, etc. The more diverse the better. As individuals drive by they may think "I didn't know Grandpa's liked Ron Paul"
  • Have a variation of Large Colorful and Easy to Read Signs. 
  • Humor is appreciated in our American Culture.. "I just saved a lot of $ by switching to Ron Paul" sign is perfect.. it is colorful, funny, and reference those Geico commercials
  • Have Ron Paul Campaign Literature avail to give away (buttons, slim jims, and bumperstickers)
  • Hold a sign that can direct locals to plug into your group... for example the last sign wave we did in Nashville we had a sign that read TENNESSEEFORRONPAUL.COM
  • Designate someone to take pics/video and post on Youtube/Facebook/Twitter with creative tags
  • Advertise your events.. Craigslist is FREE and you can easily post a quick blurb about what yr doing under POLITICS "Stop by 45th Street today at 5pm for FREE Ron Paul Bumperstickers" 

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